Architects of Ulster: WJ Barre, 2021
A high-profile hardback book completed for Ulster Architectural Heritage. This full-colour book required great skill and attention to detail thanks to the large number of superb images of historic buildings and the necessity to manipulate scans of historical documents to remove defects and correct colour fading. The book was very well-received.

Exploring Irish Wool for Feltmaking, 2023
A unique book completed for a number of independent wool producers. This book required a complex layout with each breed given its own double page spread. The result was a beautiful book showcasing one of Ireland’s lesser-known trades.

3 Stories from the Mid-Tyrone Gaeltacht, 2023
Produced for Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, this book consists of text in both Irish and English and as such required a very focused level of attention from our design team. The book is not only attractive, but a significant addition to Irish cultural scholarship.

Duffys and Duggans of Gortahork, 2022
Representing a significant piece of personal research by historian David Caldwell, this book explores a family from the Donegal downland of Gortahork and their achievements locally and across the world. The design required working with numerous historic images.

Making it Home, 2019
Cleenish townland in County Fermanagh was one of the sites chosen to provide WW1 veterans with a home and livelihood. Although largely derelict today, this book recounts the history and combines it with beautiful modern photographs. The book was put together with great care as befits the legacy of these people from the early twentieth century.

Portrait of a House, 2022
This splendid book by James Ellis recounts the history of one house in Belfast in a fond and enchanting style. April Sky Design was proud to turn James’ manuscript into a finished book which has been favourably received.

Wildflowers of Northern Ireland, 2022
Dr James Napier is a well-published biologist and author. This book is a testimony to his love of the flora of Northern Ireland. We designed the book with a full colour, accessible style suitable for a reference title and to showcase Dr Napier’s beautiful photographs. We learned a lot about our local wildflowers by assembling this title.